
February 22, 2021


This is Bellatrea and she is an angel to help you to experience pure joy. She says that for most of us joy is quite elusive and she really wants to help us to experience a lot more of it. She says that it can become a habit to feel joy just as easily as it becomes a habit to feel rushed or stressed or irritated or dejected or anything else that we feel. She is here to supercharge our awareness about how and what we feel and how we can take charge of our feelings instead of waiting for the good stuff to happen in order to give us permission to feel joyful. She reminds us that most of what we feel is being influenced not just by our own habitual ways of thinking but also by the way that people around us are thinking and feeling and it is very powerful and very possible for us to actually become like a beacon of light and radiant energy for the people in our lives instead of constantly reacting to the way that they are feeling. If you want to become a joy being it is a wonderful choice to make and it raises the consciousness of everyone who is experiencing you. You are very much supported in making the shift from reacting to your environment and influencing it with your own energy and all you have to do is be willing to filter out everything that is not uplifting and joyful, you can even become a recycling system for the energy that you encounter just by deciding to love and embrace and accept all of your own feelings and all of the feelings that you come into contact with. "I love this so much Victoria! So powerful! Reminds me of how Christie Marie Sheldon speaks about the frequency of JOY being the highest frequency measured of all human emotions. When we vibrate in joy frequency, we affect a very large radius around us. Quantum Activism." "I can truly say that she is my favorite angel so far. That’s what I always try to do...even if some people seem to be immune to joy!" "I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite!!"

Also in About the Angels


February 22, 2021

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February 19, 2021

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February 18, 2021

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