Angel's Help for Emotional Turbulence!

January 10, 2023

Angel's Help for Emotional Turbulence!

Some of us have been experiencing tremendous shifts in consciousness lately, as well as change and sometimes huge challenges in our daily lives and the lives of our loved ones.  This can naturally lead to emotional turbulence and instability!  The angels are guiding us in this new video to work with our emotions and to take charge of the energy that is in motion.  All of our emotions are pure energy, and our thoughts are directing them to create our moods and feelings.  Imagine that the emotions are like a power hose that is being directed at a range of different thoughts.   When the power hose is directed a fearful thoughts, it blasts out a range of fear based feelings like terror, panic, overwhelm, anger, rage etc.  When we try to suppress the fear based feelings, we get anxiety and insomnia and depression etc.  If we can learn to redirect the power hose and focus it on love and joy and creativity and compassion, we can become very energised and vibrant and productive and powerful!  I hope you enjoy the new video, it has really helped me!  Please subscribe to my youtube channel if you like it, and share it with your friends!

Also in Victoria Mary Clarke Angels Advice for Everyday Situations

About Channelling and how to do it
About Channelling and how to do it

September 29, 2023

This is a conversation with Paul Congdon from Positive Life Magazine about channelling, how it works, how I got into it, what it can be used for, how we are all doing it and how we can develop the ability to do it more in our live to bring more love, joy, abundance, vitality and fun!

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How To Clear Your Energy
How To Clear Your Energy

September 08, 2023

Angel channelled meditation to clear negative energy and bring radiance and beauty to your own energy body and also to your environment. Clear the energies of other people and their stuff! Bring light through and expand your aura so that you are clear, connected, joyful and vibrant.

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How to stop your energy being drained
How to stop your energy being drained

July 09, 2023

Angel advice on how to prevent your energy from being drained by people and situations and how to clear and raise the vibration of your environment

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