Help! I don’t trust the Universe!

July 25, 2020

Help! I don’t trust the Universe!

This is a conversation I had with the angels about trusting the Universe.

I have been having a problem actually trusting that things will turn out for the best.

We are moving house, so I  asked the angels to help me to visualise and imagine a new and better house that would have all the advantages of the old house but without the disadvantages.   I visualised it having lots of space and a sunny garden with a shed.  I also visualised it being very close to shops and cafes and the beach.  And being very bright and clean and spacious, with a great kitchen.

I looked on the internet and there was a house that looked absolutely perfect.  Exactly what I wanted.  So I called the estate agent first thing and asked to view it.

When I got there, the house was even more perfect than I had visualised it!  It was absolutely gorgeous.  I wanted it.  But there was a slight problem.  There was a man already viewing it and he wanted it too!  So the estate agent said she will tell the owners and they will decide who to give it to.  I had not foreseen this, as a possibility.  I realised that I  don’t trust that I can have what I want, even if I have been able to picture it.  The fact that this other man wants it and the fact that the owner didn’t immediately accept my offer makes me worry that I wont get it.

Please help me!  I realise that I have doubts that I will get the good stuff.  I have doubts that nice things can come to me. I don’t know why this is.  I just don’t trust that what happens will be for my higher good!  I don’t trust that if the owner doesn’t give us the house it will mean that something better is coming.  I don’t trust that it wont be because I am not good enough or Shane is not good enough or together we are not good enough to deserve the perfect house.

Today, I checked my lottery ticket and the machine said ‘Not a Winner.’  I felt that to be a true statement about me.

Please help me!!!! Please help me to release any and all doubts and fears that stand in the way of me getting the really nice things!!!!  Please help me to feel deserving of the lovely house.  Please help me to trust that I will get it?  And please help me to trust that in general, the things I want will come.


Greetings! Again, as always, we are delighted to resume our conversation.  It appears that we have come across an interesting conundrum.  Whether to have faith in one’s future before it happens or whether one must wait and see how well it turns out, before one can have faith.  Might we ask a question?


Of course.


Supposing it was not possible to know what will happen next week?  Supposing it was not possible to know whether you will or will not have the house of your dreams?  How would that be?  How would that affect your experience of this moment?


Good question!

My immediate response is that it is surprisingly okay with me, to not know in this moment what will happen next week.  I think that is because I have been worried that I need to work very hard to influence the situation.  I have been worried that I need to work hard to make it turn out the way I want it to!  I have been visualising and listening to guided meditations and trying to catch myself every time I have a negative thought and change it into a positive one.  It is very hard work!!!  So to just sit here now, talking to you is very relaxing and very peaceful.  It doesn’t require effort.  And I am enjoying it.  So in this moment, truthfully, I am not bothered about next week.  I just wish I could stay like this.  But I know that my thoughts habitually turn to the future and to wanting things to happen and trying to make them happen.  I just don’t seem content to go with the flow!


And yet, you are ‘going with the flow’ right now?


Yes.  Admittedly, I am going with the flow right now.  And I am happy.


Supposing you could describe to us exactly what you are doing, in order to be able to ‘go with the flow’, how would you describe it?


I suppose I am focussing only on this.  I am focussing only on writing the next word.  I have absolutely no idea where this conversation is going, but it doesn’t bother me.  Oh My!  I only wish my whole life could be like this!  I feel so peaceful, so content!  I can actually FEEL that I am centred and I can feel my heart is totally happy and I feel totally safe.  I feel that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing.  All the other stuff is bullshit!  But why?  Why can I feel like this now and not at other times?  Why do I worry about the future as soon as I step out of this room?  Can you help me to not do that?


Can we help you to not worry about the future?  Yes, we can.  The reason that you worry about the future is because in the moment that you are ‘worrying’ you do not feel safe and secure.  You do not feel that you can trust.  But in this moment, how do you feel about the future?


Weird!  I am trying to think about the future and I am finding it difficult to do it!!!  At this moment, everything seems to be in the present.  That doesn’t make any sense.  There just doesn’t seem to be a ‘future’.  There is only now, which is continual.  I know that doesn’t make sense, but that is how it feels.  I feel free of the future and free of the past!


May we introduce an exercise, at this point?


You may.


May we ask you to deliberately think about the possibility of not getting this house that you want.  Just imagine how it would feel to be told that the house had been given to somebody else.


Ok.  I don’t like that feeling!  That takes me out of the lovely peaceful state straight away!


We understand.  But perhaps we can work with this ‘future’ expectation in a way that will change the energy of what you are expecting.  If you wish it?


Yes, I wish it!


Just gently bring to mind the thought of not getting what you want.  Notice how it feels in your body, and notice where in your body you feel this.


Straight away I feel it in my stomach!  My stomach turns over.  I also feel it in my chest.  My chest gets tight.  And I feel myself trying not to cry.  I feel myself sort of cave in.


Can you begin to play with this feeling?  Can you begin to imagine it changing?  Imagine it changing colour or changing shape or becoming more sparkly?


I did that and now I feel different.  I feel as if there are lots of angels out there, who want to help me.  I actually feel as if I am vibrating at a higher frequency.


If you think again of how it would feel to be told that you cannot have the house, how is it?


Right now in this moment I feel that whatever happens is perfectly fine, whatever happens will lead to something joyful.  I feel protected.  I feel loved.  I feel that I am being guided to the thing that will bring me the most joy.


What happens if you think of how you might feel if you were told that the house had been given to somebody else?


I think I would think ‘Bugger!  I wanted that house.’  But I would also think ‘I wonder what else is out there?’  In this state of mind, I think anything is good!


How difficult was it for you to get into this state of mind?


Not difficult.  It didn’t take long.  It happened not long after I began writing to you.


Do you think you can get into this state of mind again?


Yes.  I don’t see why not.


In this state of mind, how do you feel about trusting that whatever happens will be for your higher good?


I feel very open to what happens, very unattached.  Relaxed.  But positive.


How does this feeling compare to the way you felt when you sat down?


Quite different!  Completely different!  Thank you!

Also in Victoria Mary Clarke Angels Advice for Everyday Situations

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