Angel Art and Scarves

Corratrea Angel of Kindness

This angel is Corratrea and she is an angel of kindness.

She helps us to experience kindness in all ways, becoming kind to those beings that we encounter and even people and creatures that we have not met, having kindness in our intentions and our thoughts as well as in our actions and in the way we look at people.

She helps us to radiate kindness to ourselves as well as to everyone else and she reminds us to think back to incidents in which we have experienced the kindness of others and the ways in which it has impacted us in our lives and influenced the way that we feel and behave.

She reminds us that kindness is really all about connection about recognising that we are all connected and that every single thought that we have and every single thing that we do is having an impact and effect even if we are not always conscious of it and even if we are not around to witness it and so we are making a difference and a contribution however powerless or limited we might feel. A tiny bit of kindness can go a very long way!❤️❤️❤️

Angel print on A3 paper - 29.7 x 42.0cm, 11.69 x 16.53 inches, printed on luxurious 300 gsm Museum Heritage fine art paper. 

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