Metatron with black background, print on A3 paper - 29.7 x 42.0cm, 11.69 x 16.53 inches, printed on luxurious 300 gsm Museum Heritage fine art paper.
Metatron as the name suggests is powerful and strong and a fast worker! I have been experiencing tremendous upgrades in my life since I have been channelling him/her. I don't get that it is male or female, rather that it is beyond gender, although the painting that I did looks female. The vibe is most definitely transcendent. Be prepared for very exciting shifts when you meditate on Metatron, or tune in to it's vibration. This painting is the basis for the Metatron scarves as well, I love it!
For me, this angel is very much about awakening to a new way of being in the world.
Collections: Angel Art and Scarves, Angel Prints